Backend Releases
2.5.1 (10-Sept-2024)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v19 after upgrading the backend.
- Bug fixes
- SMS to Indian phone numbers using TRAI registered sender Id is not working.
Important, before upgrade
We have observed that some of the Cognito settings are getting reset to default after the RainMaker upgrade. Please make sure to take the backup of Cognito settings before the upgrade. Steps are documented here.
Important, after upgrade
1. Please reset the default email sender to AWS SES instead of Cognito. Steps are documented here.
2. Please set the value ofCognito-assisted verification and confirmation
attribute toSend SMS message if phone number is available, otherwise send email message
. Steps are documented here.
Deprecations in the upcoming releases for cost and performance optimisation:
- For all paginated admin APIs, the total field will be omitted.
- Node count summary (Active, Inactive and Not activated) will be emailed to the superadmin (Swagger).
2.5.0 (21-August-2024)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v19 after upgrading the backend.
New features
- More special characters are supported in device group. Except #$\|, all the other special characters are now allowed.
- API Passthrough service can now be used to send data to external services using POST requests. Refer Passthrough API for more details.
- SMS to Indian mobile numbers: Support has been added to use the sender Id registered to Indian TRAI so that the SMS can be sent to Indian phone numbers using local route. The configuration can be set via Deployment Setting API.
- Support for a deployment setting to give read access of nodes to admins using the Deployment Setting API. This data can be fetched using the node details flag using the Get admin user nodes API.
- Admin node data access: Admins with access to node data can now obtain timeseries data. (Swagger).
- Support for devices to upload the files to the cloud. Refer the Command Response Communication APIs for more details.
Bug fixes
- Automations: Same condition could trigger an automation multiple times E. g. If weather = "Thunderstorm" has already matched and triggered an automation, if during next periodic check, it is still the same, the automation was getting triggered again. Now, it will trigger just once. It will trigger again only if weather changes to some other value and then comes back to "Thunderstorm". If the earlier re-triggering behaviour is desired, pass "retrigger":true. Refer Automation Trigger and Actions API for more details.
- Insights package upload on public RainMaker was broken.
- Groups with same names could not be created under different parents.
- For the list of users returned by tags service, only user_id was available, instead of user_id and user_name.
Other changes
- Optimisation to process the messages sent by devices in parallel.
- Admin custom data can be queried using user_name query parameter instead of separate user_email and user_phone_number query parameters. The user_email and user_phone_number will be deprecated soon. Refer Custom Super Data For Admins API for more details.
- Admin user details: Admins can now get details of a User using user_id, in addition to the previously supported user_name query parameter. Refer Admin User Management API for more details.
Known issues
- OTA: Status counts are sometimes showing negative values.
Deprecations in the upcoming releases for cost and performance optimisation:
- For all paginated admin APIs, the total field will be omitted.
- Node count summary (Active, Inactive and Not activated) will be emailed to the superadmin (Swagger).
2.4.0 (1-July-2024)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v18 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Support for users to give Read access to their nodes to the admin using the Put API. This data can be fetched using the node details flag using the Get admin user nodes API.
- Support for admins to fetch end users associated with a node in Get admin user nodes API.
- Time series:
- Support for differential data query for all aggregates in case node has reported cumulative values. This can optionally be reset at negative values. (Swagger)
- Nodes can overwrite data by sending
- Superadmins can add tags to users. (Swagger)
- All pending commands can be overridden by a new command response request.
- Added Backup timestamp when Cognito app clients are backed up in Cognito backup API.
- Bug fixes
- Numeric string keys not getting added to JSON. Impacted node params, various custom data and metadata.
- Duplicate group details in the Group sharing push notifications event data.
- In progress OTA status node count always being 0 in status and summary API.
- Duplicate nodes being returned in the Get OTA status API.
- Push notifications sent via Publish message API could fail if user had logged out from the app and logged in again.
- Admins not able to access Get admin user nodes API.
- Other changes
- Matter Fabric changes
- Support to add custom data while matter fabric creation.
- Known issues
- Secondary users able to give node access to the admin using the Get admin user nodes API.
2.3.0 (30-May-2024)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v18 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- API pass-through service (Swagger): This offers users a seamless way to interact with external APIs using RainMaker. Additionally, it provides functionality to manage and store the necessary API configurations for calling external APIs.
- Support to add user tags during sign-up which will then be returned in the Get user API. Admins can then filter users based on tags using the Get tags API.
- Support to add the node to a group during user node association.
- Added config, params, node info and tags to the Get user groups API node details. This will be useful for applications having the Home/Group view as the primary view. This API can be used instead of GET /user/nodes so that info of only relevant nodes will be fetched.
- Get command response historical log for user API and admin API. This setting needs to be enabled using the deployment settings API.
- Custom data for node groups with JSON rules. Can be added during group creation or updation.
- Return user node association timestamp in the Get user nodes API.
- Bug fixes
- Incorrect node count for an OTA job in case same node(s) are provided while OTA creation in the nodes or groups list.
- Server error in fetching group sharing requests if node/group sharing pending requests exceed 10. (Swagger)
- Other changes
- Allow multiple hyphens in an OTA firmware image name.
- OTA optimisations: the OTA node status flow and marking a job finished.
- Set plain text email format as the default delete user verification code email message template, instead of the RainMaker branding one. You should format these emails similar to sign-up emails using the Message template API.
- Allow primary and secondary users of a node to leave a node group. Primary users can also remove the shared group from other users. (Swagger)
- Get command response requests by command_id for the user API and admin API.
- Made file upload metadata generic - can be string or JSON. (Swagger)
- OAuth: Support of changing the password for Cognito oauth users.
- Matter Fabric changes
- Matter controller: Allow any RainMaker node to be converted to RainMaker + Matter node. Useful for Matter controllers where the Controller is not a Matter device, but requires a Matter NodeId nevertheless. (Swagger)
- Support to get Matter NodeIds for a group in the Get user groups API separately without fetching complete node details. This will be useful for memory-constrained clients like matter controllers.
- Known issues
- Adding custom data while creating a matter fabric does not work. The same can be added later using the Put group API.
- Error related to Attribute mapping while signing in with third party sign-in. The issue can be solved with steps given here.
Starting June 01, 2024, Google plans to remove the ability to send mobile push notifications via the legacy FCM APIs. To avoid impact on your Android application, we recommend that you plan and migrate existing platform applications on or before June 01, 2024. Here are the steps to update the push notification keys: Migrate to HTTP v1 APIs steps
Before upgrading, if your previous version is either of [2.0.2, 2.1.0, 2.1.2], please carry out these this:
- Check if a log group named '/aws/lambda/esp-GetUserPoolDetails' exists using steps.
- If it doesn't exist, please create it manually.
- If you miss this step, the ESP-RainMaker-Core stack upgrade might fail with 'Log group not found' error. You can follow step 2 then.
2.2.0 (16-May-2024)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v18 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- To support installer based (and other similar) use cases, allow primary users to:
- Transfer the node/group to others instead of just sharing. The user will then lose access completely.
- Change their role to secondary after sharing the node/group with others. The user will then have limited access. (Swagger)
- OAuth-only deployment (BETA): An alternative cost-effective solution for identity management based on the standard OAuth 2.0 protocol. Currently supports only social identity providers for user sign-up. Please get in touch with the ESP RainMaker support team ( to know more about this. (Swagger)
- To support installer based (and other similar) use cases, allow primary users to:
- Bug fixes
- Node registration fails if the existing registered node count is above 500K.
- 'Additional Info' empty for a node's OTA started status for non force pushed jobs.
Before upgrading, if your previous version is either of [2.0.2, 2.1.0, 2.1.2], please carry out these this:
- Check if a log group named '/aws/lambda/esp-GetUserPoolDetails' exists using steps.
- If it doesn't exist, please create it manually.
- If you miss this step, the ESP-RainMaker-Core stack upgrade might fail with 'Log group not found' error. You can follow step 2 then.
2.1.2 (30-Apr-2024)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v17 after upgrading the backend.
- Bug fixes
- Don't error if invalid user_name given in Extend session. Fixes third-party users getting logged out from the Android phone app. (Swagger). Note that user_name is anyways not required in this call. This change is only for backward compatibility.
- Other changes
- Support for multiple weather events in weather automation triggers. However, only one event of type weather condition is allowed. (Swagger)
- Known issues
- Upgrading from this version intermittently gives 'Log group not found' error for the ESP-RainMaker-Core stack. Creating the log group manually will fix the issue using steps.
2.1.0 (22-Apr-2024)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v17 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Challenge–response based authentication for user node association as an alternative to the secret-based authentication (Swagger)
- Securely signed OTA: With this feature, admins can push securely signed OTA images to the node (Swagger). To use this feature, compatible firmware is needed. Please get in touch with the ESP RainMaker support team ( to know more about this.
- Bug fixes
- Intermittent error while creating an admin user.
- Issue in simple time series data if parameter name or value contains '-' character.
- Other changes
- Push notifications for weather automation triggers (Swagger)
- New users added by primary users now have access to the entire simple time series data irrespective of when the node was shared with them.
- Minor performance and cost optimisations
- Known issues
- Automation action(s) triggered every time the specified event condition is met, regardless of the node's current state. Especially for weather automations, wherein the weather status is fetched periodically, this can cause repeated triggers.
- Extend session API gives an error if username is not a valid email or phone number, even though not used internally. This logs out third-party users from the Android phone app.
- Upgrading from this version intermittently gives 'Log group not found' error for the ESP-RainMaker-Core stack. Creating the log group manually will fix the issue using steps.
Deprecations in the upcoming releases for cost and performance optimisation:
- For all paginated admin APIs, the total field will be omitted.
- Node count summary (Active, Inactive and Not activated) will be emailed to the superadmin (Swagger).
2.0.2 (28-Feb-2024)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v17 after upgrading the backend.
- Bug fixes
- Intermittent issue of superadmin not getting created in a fresh deployment
- Node not getting pending command requests (in command-response workflow) when explicitly queried for
- Subgroup deletion leaving a dangling pointer to it causing failure while querying its parent group(s)
- CORS issue in the Upload files API
- Other changes
- Allow specifying a description while creating an OTA job, which end users can also see for user approved OTA workflows. This will be useful for better communication of firmware release notes. (Swagger)
- Expanded weather based automation triggers for multiple weather conditions. Find the full list in the Swagger
- Special characters now allowed in tags (Swagger). Pull the latest RainMaker Admin CLI before proceeding.
- Improved accuracy of Statistics by periodic reconciliation
- Matter Fabric changes
- Fixed user deletion failing when the user has matter nodes
- Matter-only deployments: If custom user id is not specified in the header, use the authorisation header. Fixes issues of dashboard access
- Known issues
- Upgrading from this version intermittently gives 'Log group not found' error. Creating the log group manually will fix the issue.
Deprecations in the upcoming releases for cost and performance optimisation:
- For all paginated admin APIs, the total field will be omitted
- Node count summary (Active, Inactive and Not activated) will be emailed to the superadmin (Swagger)
2.0.1 (6-Jan-2024)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v16 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Simple time series data (Swagger): This uses AWS DynamoDB rather than AWS Timestream.
- This helps to reduce the cost in cases where the raw values are adequate and no aggregates, such as min/max/average, are required
- Needs the relevant support to be enabled in the firmware as well
- Weather based automation triggers: 'clear_sky' is now enabled as a weather condition (Swagger)
- Simple time series data (Swagger): This uses AWS DynamoDB rather than AWS Timestream.
- Bug fixes
- Duplicate automation triggers getting added in paginated response
- Immediate query on a deleted node group giving inconsistent response since the deletion is asynchronous
- Daylight automations for the first day after creation getting missed
- Other changes
- Minimum length for Device group and automation trigger name is now one character
- Optimised weather and daylight automation triggers processing
- Matter Fabric changes
- Matter multi controller support (Swagger)
2.0.0 (6-Dec-2023)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v16 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Support for daylight based automation triggers - sunrise, sunset (Swagger)
- Improvements to the RainMaker License file format. Even though this is backward compatible and does not require updating the license file, please get in touch with the ESP RainMaker support team ( to get a new license
- Bug fixes
- OTA job getting finished incorrectly due to node count miscalculation
- Other changes
- Allow finished OTA jobs to be archived (Swagger)
- Allow setting node group name, description and automation names in other languages. Device and scene names were already possible in other languages
- Additional details added to the Apple push notification platform certificate expiry email
- Get command-response list by node Id and status (Swagger)
- Include Blocked user IPs in the API rate limit violation email (Upgrade to the latest version by following these steps)
- Upgraded to the latest al2 lambda runtime for improved performance and security
- Matter Fabric changes
- Support for Matter integration by extending the RainMaker node group concept is generally available. Contact RainMaker Support ( to get an updated License to try this out. To know more about Matter at Espressif:
- Support for adding/updating node metadata during and after Matter node commissioning similar to RainMaker user node association
1.2.1 (7-Nov-2023)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v14 after upgrading the backend.
- Bug fixes
- Error while OTA job creation due to missing permissions for IoT streams
- Error while deploying 'ESP-RainMaker-Base' SAR in some AWS accounts
- Weather automation triggers for a node accessible to the unassociated users
1.2.0 (4-Oct-2023)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v14 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Support for weather based automation triggers - temperature, pressure, humidity, wind_speed and weather_condition (Swagger)
- Support for Matter integration (BETA) by extending the RainMaker node group concept. Contact RainMaker Support ( to get an updated License to try this out. To know more about Matter at Espressif:
- Known issues
- OTA job creation may fail on some deployments with 500 - Internal server error
1.1.31 (14-Sep-2023)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v14 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Custom user context: Special privileged user can carry out user operations on behalf of others. This can be useful for Matter-only deployments. (API to enable)
- Minor bug fixes and improvements
- Other changes
- Base64 data support in in the command - response framework (Swagger)
1.1.30 (17-Aug-2023)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v14 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Support to tag admin groups, OTA firmware images and jobs (Swagger)
- New HTTP gateway for cost savings (BETA) (Note: This requires user migration to the new pool. For steps: User Pool Migration Guide)
- Bug fixes
- Group sharing removal notifications not getting sent to shared users
- Change password doesn't revoke tokens from the other user pool
- Fixes to adding nodes to the parent group while node registration
- Removed redundant access token from the change password API request body
- Other changes
- Added primary or secondary role information to the GET node and group APIs
- Added shared group names to the GET requests API
- Special handling for command id 1 (set node parameters) in the command - response framework (Swagger). Needs relevant support in firmware.
- Create the parent group if not present while node registration via the RainMaker Admin CLI
- Secondary user able to update NODE level event filter (Swagger)
1.1.28 and 1.1.29 (28-Jun-2023)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v13 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Adding node tags per batch and per node while node registration via the RainMaker Admin CLI
- Statistics: online and offline count grouped by type or model (Swagger)
- Active, inactive and not activated node count summary (Swagger)
- Ability to transfer super admin ownership (Swagger)
- Bug fixes
- Nodes getting removed from other groups on admin group deletion
- User approval pushing job of a lower priority
- OTA latest status getting updated even if it is of an older timestamp
- Trimming spaces while adding node tags
- Additional validations to the RainMaker Admin CLI
- Other changes
- Tagging all AWS resources created by ESP RainMaker
- Multiple nodes support in the activate or deactivate nodes API
- Added delete user SMS and forgot password email custom templates (Swagger)
- Secondary users can now manage automation triggers (Swagger) and event filters (Swagger)
- Disabled super admin user deletion
- Disallow ESP-RainMaker-Base-API upgrade
- Added functionality to get the list of values for a given tag (Swagger)
- RBAC: return usernames in the API
With RainMaker 1.1.27, we've added support to switch to the new user pool which has more features than the older one. We encourage you to migrate your user pool to the new one. The old pool will be deprecated soon. Please follow this guide for detailed steps - User Pool Migration Guide. Contact the RainMaker support team if you require any assistance. (
1.1.27 (18-Apr-2023)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v12 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Support to upload files associated with an OTA firmware image (Swagger) (BETA)
- Support to add tags to nodes while registering them via the RainMaker Admin CLI
- Bug fixes
- Incorrect total and next_id in get admin nodes when searched using tags
- Incorrect node total in Dynamic groups
- Even though push notifications are disabled on the dashboard, yet notifications are sent to the users
- Other changes
- Push notifications for user approval OTA jobs
- Provision to add role levels to RBAC roles, with 0 being the most privileged user. A user can attach only higher-level roles to other users. This behaviour can be enabled using this API
- HTML support in terms and policy files
- Added group_metadata to device groups (Swagger)
- We've added changes to switch to the new pool which has more features than the older one. We encourage you to migrate your user pool to the new one. The old pool will be deprecated soon. Please follow this guide for detailed steps - User Pool Migration Guide. Contact the RainMaker support team if you require any assistance. (
- RainMaker Admin CLI: Changes to extend validity of device certificates Please update the CLI before registering new node certificates.
1.1.26 (16-Jan-2023)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v11 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Bug fixes
- Duplicate dynamic groups
- Node not getting added to some relevant dynamic groups
- Dangling shared groups on primary user deletion
- OTA job getting lost if approved by the user, but the node is offline
- Validating the count of placeholders in custom push notification messages (Swagger)
- Other changes
1.1.25 (29-Nov-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v11 after upgrading the backend.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue of unformatted push notifications due to event_data not being sent in the payload
1.1.24 (07-Nov-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v11 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Support for MQTT-based OTA to avoid additional TLS connections for HTTPS, thereby optimising RAM usage
- Node type and model wise node statistics
- API for the super admin user to get the currently available license quota
- Provision to send node alerts using node/+/alert
- Support for an alternate OTA firmware image URL while OTA job creation
- Bug fixes
- Allow custom message body irrespective of event data status
- Fixed verification code not sent for account delete request when message template is updated
- Fixed node type getting ignored if the tags parameter is provided in the GET admin/nodes API
- Ignore aggregation interval when raw aggregate is provided (Swagger). Upgrade to the latest version by following these steps.
- Other changes
- Removed some unnecessary parameters from the add-on SARs
- Support for message type and additional information fields in the publish message API
- Configure a common message title for all the supported event topics (Swagger)
- Formatted the ESP API Rate Limiter and ESP Device Defender violation emails. Upgrade to the latest version by following these steps for ESP API Rate Limiter and ESP Device Defender respectively.
Important Updates:
- OTA support for DigiCert S3 server certificates has been removed. OTA won't work if you had raised such a support case.
- We have automated regrouping for Dynamic groups. The ability to manually do this will be unfunctional soon in this API.
1.1.23 (03-Oct-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v11 after upgrading the backend.
- Bug fixes
- Fixed node removed event notification getting triggered twice
- Corrected missing automation triggers in the Get API when pagination parameters are given (Swagger)
- Fixed the issue of node ota status events order getting swapped when received in quick succession
- Fixed the issue of a node getting old OTA jobs after the latest one has succeeded or been rejected
- Fixed RainMaker clean-up issues in case of non-empty S3 buckets
- Other changes
- Made all S3 objects private in RainMaker
1.1.22 (23-Aug-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v11 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Support to capture total MQTT messages in the Stats Service. Upgrade/Deploy the add-on service by following these steps. (Swagger)
- Added support to upload pre-provisioned module's csv in node registration RainMaker Admin CLI
- Bug fixes
- Fixed the registered nodes, users with nodes and without nodes counts in the Stats Service
- Other changes
- Command/Response Feature - Handling data size greater than 255 bytes
- Removed public access to all RainMaker S3 buckets
- Added validation to check if the email ID is valid while deploying RainMaker
1.1.21 (26-Jul-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v10 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Bug fixes
- Fixed the timeout for deleting admin node groups when it had a large number of nodes
- Removed the quota field and added validation to the status parameter in the GET admin nodes' API
- Handled leading and trailing spaces in the change password APIs
- Fixed pagination and response in the GET admin users' API
- Other changes
- Added support for Alpha-numeric strings in tags
1.1.20 (05-Jul-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v10 after upgrading the backend.
- Bug fixes
- Added maximum character limit to the message body and title in push notifications
- Added validation to the group name in the Node Group creation APIs
- Added validation of request payload in case of WebHooks configuration
- Fixed an issue in Common custom data APIs
- Fixed the total count related issue in the get OTA Image API
- Fixed the response payload in the Admin User get API
- Fixed issues in RainMaker deployment related to CloudWatch Log groups
1.1.19 (22-Jun-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v10 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Added Apple push notifications' certificate expiry detection
- PUT API for platform applications, used in configuring push notifications (Swagger)
- Bug fixes
- Added validation for node tag parameters
- Fixed event-mapping removal on user deletion
- Other changes
- Optimised system-level WebHook filters
- Time Series: Added support for back-dated data
- Added support to view node tags for the associated nodes (Swagger)
1.1.18 (09-Jun-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v10 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Customisation of E-mail templates (Swagger)
- Bug fixes
- Fixed issues in the command response feature
- Fixed an issue related to weekly timezone aggregation
- Fixed issues related to updating and deleting node tags
- Other changes
- Modified the get automation triggers API to allow viewing the shared nodes
- Made the verification code length consistent across RainMaker for various use cases like user Sign-up, forgot password, etc.
- Added a limit for the number of invalid attempts for the user delete operation
1.1.17 (24-May-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v10 after upgrading the backend.
- New features
- Bug fixes
- Fixed issues in RainMaker upgrades related to CloudWatch logs
- Fixed the issue in data ingestion for the Time Series data service. (Upgrade to the latest version by following these steps)
- Other changes
- Optimised WebHook filters to reduce costs
- Added support for creating multiple Google and Apple push notification platforms
- Enhanced Role-based access control: Multiple Admin users can access the nodes
- Modified the approach for the generation of OTA Image URL, to support DigiCert as well as Amazon CA
What is this issue?
Some time back AWS migrated their default TLS certificates from DigiCert to Amazon Trust Services. Since older RainMaker firmware used the Digicert certificate for OTA server validation, it would not work anymore, causing failures in OTA.
How do I know if I am affected?
The certificates in the ESP RainMaker repository were updated in this commit on 1-Feb-2022. If your project is based on this or a later commit and uses the default certificate like the below snippet, then you would not be affected.
esp_rmaker_ota_config_t ota_config = {
If you are using the older certificate, you will get the below error during OTA:
E (57062) esp-tls-mbedtls: mbedtls_ssl_handshake returned -0x2700
I (57062) esp-tls-mbedtls: Failed to verify peer certificate!
I (57062) esp-tls-mbedtls: verification info: ! The certificate is not correctly signed by the trusted CA
This is an indication that you will have to request AWS to temporarily change your server's certificate to support both, the Digicert as well Amazon Trust Services' certificates. The steps for that are given below. Note that this will work only for RainMaker backend release 1.1.17 and beyond, since, it also requires changes in the URL generation logic for OTA.
Raising support ticket with AWS
Follow these steps to create a support case. Add the below text as the case description:
We have deployed the RainMaker IoT Platform in our AWS account. RainMaker uses S3 buckets to store the Firmware images required for the Over the Air Upgrades (OTA). We are aware that AWS had started migrating the S3 server certificates from Digicert to Amazon Trust Services and we have added the new certificate in our SDK. However, there already are devices in the field that had only the old certificate. If they try to do an OTA upgrade, it fails because of server validation failure. So can you enable the DigiCert certificate for the below S3 bucket - esp-rainmaker-ota-<AWS_Account_Number>
How to ensure that this never occurs again?
On the firmware side, instead of using just one server certificate, we now support certificate bundles, which have the certificates of all standard certifying authorities. You can find the changes in this commit.
1.1.16 (10-May-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v9 after upgrading the backend.
- Support for delayed and rejected statuses in OTA jobs
- Changes to the common custom data APIs (Swagger)
- Allow end-users to add tags for the nodes associated with them (Swagger)
- API to fetch SES delivery status of Email from Database (Swagger)
- Fixing a defect in the user node association process while adding tags
- User node association - form tags from the user's custom data (all esp. keys under esp.location) (Swagger)
- Fixing a defect in the Time Series data ingestion issue. Upgrade to the latest version by following these steps.
- Enhancements to the bulk node generation API to return node group details
1.1.15 (21-Apr-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v9 after upgrading the backend.
- Support for Time Zone parameter in Time Series DB Service (Swagger). Upgrade to the latest version by following these steps.
- Optimising the AWS IoT cost by supporting basic ingest for the MQTT topics
- Support for Alexa Asynchronous communication
1.1.13 and 1.1.14 (08-Apr-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v9 after upgrading the backend.
- Fixes to the Role-Based Access Control (RBAC), for the Push Notification APIs
- Fixes in the user custom data APIs
- Push notification support for Automation triggers
- Support for providing node tags and additional metadata during user-node association
- Automatic addition to node group based on type, model, fw_version, at the time of node registration
- Support to allow other Admin users to view/manage nodes registered by other Admin users, using RBAC
- Sorting of OTA jobs based on timestamps
- WebHook support when new tags are added to nodes
- Enhancements to the stats service to address delete user event
1.1.12 (08-Mar-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v9 after upgrading the backend.
- Enhancement to the node search API, based on tags and RBAC policies
- Support for creating Role-Based Access Control policies based on tag filters
1.1.11 (25-Feb-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v8 after upgrading the backend.
- Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is introduced in this release for the admin APIs.
- APIs to manage roles and policies for access control of RainMaker APIs
- Added default policies applicable to RBAC
- APIs to create additional users with admin rights
- Added support for common custom data (Swagger API link)
- Enhancement to support maximum OTA image size to 16 MB (Swagger API link)
1.1.10 (09-Feb-2022)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v8 after upgrading the backend.
- Added support for node tags and filtering based on these tags (Swagger API link)
- Generate WebHook events when a new admin user is created and new nodes are registered
- Time Series Service: Added a query parameter aggregation_interval. Currently, both time_interval and aggregation_interval query parameters are supported, but it is recommended to use aggregation_interval (Swagger API link) Upgrade to the latest version by following these steps.
1.1.9 (28-Jan-2022)
- Introduced new APIs to support uploading larger OTA Images, up to 16MB.
- Added support for creating Node groups during node Registration.
- Added support for sorting OTA Images by timestamp.
- Optimisations for OTA status summary API.
- Added support for Admin users to find nodes associated with users based on user_id or user_name.
- Fixed defects in Node automation Trigger service.
- Added support to persist the metadata received from the sharing request for the device groups.
- Enhancements to the error message for Change password and Forgot password APIs.
1.1.8 (31-Dec-2021)
Please upgrade the Node Registration module to v5 after upgrading the backend.
- Enhancements to ESP RainMaker Licensing Service.
- Optimised the performance for the User management APIs.
- OTA Enhancement: Support for additional custom metadata to be sent to devices.
- Support for Web Access Firewall Service (WAF).
- Added Datatype support for TimeSeries data query.
- Populate the user location from the user’s data if not provided in the user node association API request.
- Provide additional metadata in node group sharing.
- Support for storing location information at the time of user node association.
- Support for querying Admin node groups based on type, model, and fw_version.
- Fixed the inconsistencies in API responses and Swagger file.
- Time Series: Fixed latest data timestamp mismatch for weekly data.
- Time Series: Added data type validation for Time Series ingestion service.
- Added pagination support for image search with model or type.
- Add parent group information in shared groups information query API.
- Support for User approved OTA Jobs.
1.1.7 (2-Nov-2021)
- Added support for Node Automation trigger feature ( Reference APIs: Node Automation Trigger APIs documentation).
- Added support to capture the API error logs.
- Fixed issues in the Webhooks configuration APIs.
- Fixed issues in the custom template for Push Notification Service.
- Added support for allowing secondary users to remove the shared node groups.
- Added support for Device Defender Services to prevent DDoS attacks.
- Optimised the performance for Status Service, User, user node association, and node group sharing APIs.
- Support for fetching OTA Jobs associated with an OTA Image,
- Added support for mutually exclusive Node groups.
- Fixed issues in fetching nodes APIs.
1.1.6 (01-Oct-2021)
- Optimised the performance for the Bulk Node Registration module.
- Fixed the issues related to OTA jobs API response.
- Modified the user API to fetch the custom user data.
1.1.5 (28-Sept-2021)
- Added support for Time Series data ( Reference APIs: Time Series Data APIs documentation)
- Added support for Node Type and Model in Bulk Node generation utility.
- Moved node params logic from ThingShadow to DynamoDB, without any behavioral changes.
- Fixing the issues in Multi-Factor Authentication for RainMaker dashboard.
- Allow adding users as primary users via Node/Group Sharing.
1.1.4 (16-Sept-2021)
- Allow creating and maintaining some user-specific custom data ( Reference APIs: User Custom Data APIs documentation).
- Support for backup and restore of Cognito Client Configuration.
- Fixing the issues in node group APIs.
1.1.2 (30-Aug-2021)
- Fixed a security issue in the User Node Mapping workflow for the Reset to Factory scenario. Also requires enabling support in firmware.
- Added support for Mobile Push Notifications.
- Improvements in execution time for Node Parameter Operation APIs.
Note: Please take a backup of Cognito Configurations (Callback URLs and Message Template) before upgrading the SAR repositories. The detailed steps for getting the Cognito Configurations can be found here- Get configured callback URLs and Get configured message template.
1.1.1 (03-Aug-2021)
- Error message improvement for Forgot Password API.
- OTA enhancements, added "finished" OTA job status and "rejected" node OTA status.
- Delete User API enhancements.
- Added support for processing Rainmaker customer License.
1.1.0 (07-July-2021)
- Added support for creating dynamic node groups based on type, model, and fw_version
- Added support for Node group sharing.
- Added support for archiving an OTA image.
- Optimised the execution time for API to set node parameters.
- Added support for searching OTA Images and OTA jobs based on name.
- Provided support for end-users to decide when to start an OTA job.
1.0.18 (04-Jun-2021)
- Enhanced node search APIs.
- Provided backend support for end-users to delete their accounts.
1.0.17 (02-Jun-2021)
- Enhanced the APIs related to Nodes, Node Groups, and OTA.
1.0.16 (24-May-2021)
- Enhanced the RainMaker backend APIs.
- Added an API in RainMaker backend to fetch Cognito details.
- Added a feature to archive a cancelled OTA job.
1.0.15 (19-May-2021)
- Modified the response codes and messages for RainMaker backend APIs.
- Provided support to uninstall SAR repositories.
- Optimised the nodes APIs to get the node state.
1.0.14 (4-May-2021)
- Fixed the issue related to OTA without the force_push option.
- Extended the Refresh token validity from one month to five years.
- Added an API to get the deployment details.
1.0.13 (14-Apr-2021)
- Modified the logout API.
- Captured the disconnect reason when the node disconnects.
- Updated the APIs related to the OTA force_push feature.
- Optimised the IoT session creation process.
- Enhanced node sharing APIs.
1.0.12 (5-Apr-2021)
- Added APIs related to the node sharing feature, accepting or rejecting a node sharing request, and other enhancements.
- Automated the upgrade of API Gateway when RainMaker backend is upgraded.
1.0.11 (19-Mar-2021)
- Updated the status code and error messages for RainMaker backend APIs.
- Optimised the handling of a disconnect event.
1.0.10 (1-Mar-2021)
- Fixed the issue related to Update Dashboard.
- Fixed issues and updated the response related to RainMaker backend APIs.
- Removed the dependency on AWS Fleet indexing service.